Wednesday 2 September 2015


Macedonia, country I identify myself, country I was born and country I visited this summer.There are so many places to visit as Macedonia is very rich with history. I just wish one day we will have more time to travel all over the country, for now we are happy with what we have seen so far.

Macedonia - always in my heart!

Typical seasonal  fruits and vegetables in August in Macedonia

 Hot peppers


 Plum tree 


corns cooked on outside fire 
homemade bread 

 Coffee cooked in copper pots on outdoor wooden fire - priceless 

My mum's flowers decoration for her balconies 

 View from the front balcony

Ready for the winter


Figs, not ready yet

tomatoes are sun - drying 

ready to go in the jar 

ready for the winter days

Me in action 

Ohrid lake

Ohrid lake, St.John at Kaneo


View from fortress Kale

View towards the Millennium cross 

River Vardar

About to rain 

sunset in Skopje 

Mother Theresa museum

Skopje in the evening 

View from the top of the mountain Vodno

Millennium Cross  

From Vodno
Traditional rugs and bags
Traditional wedding dress in olden days
Traditional shop in the old town


River Treska
Chaining peppers for sun-drying

Will take a good couple of months to get completely dry,ready for the winter when can be used in bean stews or dips, yummy !

Monday 31 August 2015

Сушени домати на сонце / Sun-dried tomatoes

I took advantage of my visit to Macedonia to make this recipe I've been planing to make for a long time but it is almost impossible to succeed in England. Apart of having brilliant time with my family, laughing to tears and traveling around the country, I was cooking as well, mainly helping to my mum or cooking new vegetarian dishes for my parents to try. We also made together some pumpkin bread, plum tray and a lot more.These tomatoes are grown in my parents garden,they are organic and I was very happy to use them in cooking or eating raw!

Потребни состојки:

2 кг домати
400 мл маслиново масло
3-4 чешниња лук

Исечете ги доматите на четвртини и одстранете ги семките и сокот*
Наредете ги во поголема тепсија.
Малку посолете.
Ставете ги да се сончаат преку ден, навечер внесувајте ги внатре.
За 3 дена веке ке бидат суви.
Ако немате сонце ставете ја тепсијата со домати во загреана рерна на 50 степени и сушете ги доматите околу 4 часа.
Наредете ги во средна големина тегла,ставете и сецкано лукче како и свеж босилок.
Прелијте со маслиново масло ( ладно цедено ) и чувајте во фрижидер.
Маслото ке си го користите за прелив на салати а сушените домати за пица, мезе или како додаток во салати на база на житарки.

* Сокот исцедете го, малку посолете, додајте коцка-две мраз и неколку ливчиња босилок. Идеален летен пијалок!

Доматен сок 


2 kg tomatoes
400 ml olive oil
3-4 garlic cloves
fresh basil 

Cut the tomatoes into 4.
Take the seeds and juices* out
Place the tomatoes into a big tray and place them out on sunny spot during the day.
Bring them indoor during the night.
Repeat for 3 day.
If you haven't got sun, you can use electric oven.
Place the tray with tomatoes in oven pre-heated on 50 C
Bake / dry them for 4 hours.
When tomatoes are ready place them in a clean jar adding some chopped garlic and fresh basil.
Keep the jar in fridge.
Use the tomatoes as you wish, pizza topping or chopped up in grain salads.
Use the oil as well for dressing salads.

*Put the juice  through a sieve, season with some salt and top it with fresh basil adding some ice cubes, perfect summer drink!

Tomato juice

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Црн грав со интегрален ориз / Black beans with brown rice

Brown rice is something I cook once in a week to have in fridge for at least four days. In summer days I often eat rice and beans аs a salads with added fresh veggies. This is my latest favorite  combo, I love it...

Потребни состојки:

Интегрален ориз
црн грав
сол, бибер
маслиново масло
сок од лимон

Гравот ставете го во поголем сад со ладна вода и додајте 2-3 лажички сода бикарбона.
Оставете го преку ноќ.
Оризот ако е од органско потекло обавезно ставете го во посебен сад со ладна вода, без сода.
Следниот ден убаво измијте го гравот и варете го на тивко додека не се свари, ке му треба кратко време, содата игра важна улога.
Сварете го и оризот со додаток на сол.
На една чаша кафеав ориз се додава три чаши вода.
Сервирајте ја салатата: ладен ориз и грав, свежо сечени домати и авокадо, сол,бибер,сок од лимон и маслиново масло.


Brown rice
black beans
olive oil
lemon juice 

Soak the beans in fresh cold water over night adding 2-3 tsp of soda bicarbonate.
If you are using organic rice, soak the rice as well without adding the soda.
The next day, rinse the beans to washout the soda ( otherwise will foam while it's cooking) cover it with fresh cold water and cook it on low temperature until it's cooked.
It shouldn't take long, the soda speeds up the cooking.
Cook the rice in a fresh water adding a little bit of salt.
For one cup of brown rice add 3 cups of water.
Assemble the salad: cold rice and beans, freshly cut tomatoes and avocado,salt,pepper, lemon juice and olive oil. 

Sunday 2 August 2015

Печена тиква со чили и лук / Roast harlequin with garlic and chilies

Harlequin squash can be found here in England from mid-Summer throughout winter.You either love it or you don't. I adore it, to me it's like preparing fast food, I don't need to peel it, it cooks very quick, tastes incredibly good, it's good for me and I love the colours on my plate.

Потребни состојки:

1 мала тиква
1 љута чили пиперка
1 -2 чешниња лук
сол и бибер
маслиново масло

Исечете ја тиквата на долги парчиња и одстранете ги семките.
Лукот и чили пиперката ситно се сецкаат.
Наредете ги парчињата тиква во тепсија, одозгора ставете ги лукот и чили пиперката, сол,бибер и маслиново масло.
Печете 20 минути на 200 степени.
Сервирајте со варен ориз или  некоја друга житарка.


1 small harlequin squash 
1 chili pepper
1-2 garlic cloves
salt and pepper
olive oil

Cut the squash into wedgies and place them into a roasting dish.
Sprinkle on the top finely chopped chili, garlic, salt, pepper and a splash of olive oil.
Roast the squash for 20 minutes on 200 C.
Serve them with boiled rice or any other cooked grains, such as quinoa, bulgar or freekeh. 

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Интегрални тортици со црешни / Wholesome cherry cakes

Cherries are my first love ever, I grow up climbing on our cherry tree, eating cherries there and then. I don't recalled how long the cherry season was lasting but the taste of the cherries is still very vivid to me. Now days I am happily buying cherries in shops still looking for that taste of my childhood......
This cupcakes are healthy version, wholemeal and sweetened  with banana and honey ...bliss ...

Потребни состојки:

140 гр интегрално брашно 
1 лажиче пециво
80 мл масло
1 пасирана банана + 3 лажици мед
50 гр јогурт
2 јајца
100 гр црешни ( семките извадени )

Во подлабок сад ставете ги сите состојки и измешајте ги со дрвена или силиконска лажица.
Наполнете 12 хартии за тортици, средна големина и наредете ги во калап за 12 мафини.
Печете ги тортиците на 180 степени околу 20 минути.
Оладете ги и посипете со шеќер во прав.


140 gr wholemeal flour
1 tsp baking powder
80 ml oil
1 mashed banana + 3 tbsp honey 
50 gr yogurt
2 eggs
100 gr cherries, pitted 

In a big mixing bowl put all ingredients and mix up with wooden or silicone spoon.
Fill up 12 cup cakes papers, small to medium size and place them into 12 muffin tin.
Bake the cakes on 180 C for 20 minutes.
Cool them down a little before you dust some icing sugar.

Monday 27 July 2015

Витаминска супа / Vitamin-rich soup

Here is south England we have a real autumn weather in the middle of our summer and warm bowl of soup is welcome to my table. Full of flavours, rich in nutrition, made from seasonal vegetables - no doubts, this soup is a winner...  

feta flat-bread

Потребни состојки:

1 поголем компир
3 моркови
350 гр брокули
1 стапче целер

Во поголем сад ставете го компирот исецкан на коцки, додајте 2 лажици масло и додајте ги сецканите моркови како и целерот.
Промешајте и ставете капак.
По 10 минути додајте 1 литар вруќа вода и 1 коцка за супа.
Варете ја супата на тивко околу 15 минути пред да ја додадете брокулата. 
Се заедно варете 12 - 15 минути.
Оставете ја супата на страна малку да се олади пред
да ја изблендирате со стап-блендер или каков имате.
Дотерајте го вкусот, додавајки сол и бибер и малку маслиново масло или 2-3 лажици кисела павлака или јогурт.


1 big potato
3 carrots
350 gr broccoli florets 
1 stick celery 

In a big cooking pot put the potato chopped into squares, add 2 tbsp of oil, stir it and add the chopped carrots and celery.
Stir it all up and put the lid on for 10 minutes.
After that add 1 liter of warm water.
Cook the vegetables for 15 minutes with lid on before you add the broccoli florets.
Add 1 stock cube, I use marigold stock powder.
Continue to cook for further 12 - 15 minutes, cool it down a bit and blend it with a stick blender until smooth. 
Adjust the taste,adding some salt and pepper and some olive oil or tbsp of sour cream or yogurt.
I have serve the soup with my feta flat-bread.

Friday 24 July 2015

Погача со кефир и фета / Kefir and feta flat-bread

This flat bread is very easy and quick to make, I have made it for my children on their first day on summer holiday. They absolutely loved it and now they are demanding for it every single day.
Ever since, we have it with soup, we took it with us on picnic, we even share some with our neighbors.... 

somebody is enjoying it a bit too much :) 

Потребни состојки:

220 гр брашно
250 мл кефир, јогурт или вода ( испробано )
1 мало лажиче прашок за пециво
1 јајце
100 гр дробена фета сирење
2 лажици масло

Измешајте ги сите состојки освен маслото.
Во тепсија бр.28 ставете го маслото и загрејте ги во рерна на 200 степени.
Смесата од брашно истресете ја во вруќата тепсија и печете 20 минути или додека не добие темно-златна боја.


220 gr flour
250 ml kefir, yogurt or water
1 tsp baking powder
1 egg
100 gr crumbled feta cheese
1 tbsp oil

Combine all ingredients except the oil.
Spread the oil in a round pot size 28 cm and put it in oven heated on 200 C. 
When the oil is hot, pour the batter in it and bake the flat-bread for about 20 minutes or until it get deep golden colour.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Погача со моркови / Focaccia with carrots

I love good focaccia, I often  make a small one to be eaten in one go, as we are big family that is not a problem. I have decided to use spelt and wheat flour and I also add some fresh carrot for a bit of colour and texture as well as taste.

currant flour selection

Потребни состојки:

400 гр брашно*
1 мало лажиче сув инстант квасец
1 мало лажиче сол
1 рендан морков
250 мл млака вода
2 лажици маслиново масло + 2 лажици за одозгора

Во поголем сад ставете го брашното,квасецот и солта, додајте ја водата и морковот како и маслото.
Замесете меко тесто, додајте вода / брашно по потреба.
Месете го тестото 10 минути на побрашнета површина, потоа вратете го во здела и покријте го со крпа.
Оставете го да се крева 45 - 60 минути.
Развлечете го брашното со раце, ставете го во правоаголна тепсија и попрскајте со масло.
Посипете со сусам.
Печете на 200 степени околу 20 минути или подолго.

*користев 200 гр пирово или спелт и 200 гр пченично брашно


400 gr flour*
1 tsp instant yeast
1 tsp salt
1 greeted carrot
250 ml lukewarm water
2 tbsp olive oil + 2 for the top
sesame seeds 

In a big mixing bowl place the flour, yeast, salt and water.
Add the carrot and oil and make a soft dough.
Place the dough into floured surface and kneed for 10 minutes adding flour/water as you need.
Put the dough back to the bowl, cover it with tea towel and leave it to rest for 45 - 60 minutes.
Take the dough out of the bowl, using your hands form a square shape and place it into a baking tray.
Spread the oil on the top and sprinkle some sesame seeds.
Bake the focaccia on 200 C for 20 minutes or longer.

* I used 200 gr spelt and 200 gr wheat flour

Monday 20 July 2015

"Искрен" сладолед / Innocent ice cream

I call this ice cream Innocent because there is no sugar in it, the only sweet taste you get is from the strawberries or cookies if you like to add some.It is a bit tarty but I like it....

Потребни состојки:

500 мл Јогурт, немасен, масен, грчки, цврст, течен
1 рака јагоди
3 - 4  колачи

Испасирајте ги јагодите, додајте го јогуртот и издробените колачи.
По желба додајте мед.
Ставете го сладоледот во пластичен сад и замрзнете го.
Пред конзумирање ставете го на собна температура околу половина час да се "пушти"
Јагодите може да бидат и замрзнати, во тој случај ставете ги во електричен блендер да се изситнат па тогаш додајте го јогуртот како и колачите.


500 ml yogurt , greek stile, full fat or fat free
1 hand full strawberries
3 - 4 cookies

Mash the strawberries, add the yogurt and crumbled cookies.
Add some honey if you wish.
You can use frozen fruits, in that case blend the fruit first in a electrical blender until smooth and then add the yogurt and the cookies.
Pour the ice cream in a plastic pot and freeze it.
Before you want to eat it, place the ice cream on room temperature for 30 minutes for easier scooping.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Колачи / Cookies

No, I am not eating shop-bought cookies filled up with fats that can damage you body, I always find time to make my own, store them in a jar and enjoy them occasionally. Very often I don't have a chance to even try one, if you have children you will understand why.
Love your body ..........  

Ке ви треба:

200 гр брашно
90 гр путер
50 гр шеќер
3 лажици ладно млеко
30 - 40 гр сецкано чоколадо

Во подлабок сад ставете го брашното, додајте го путерот исецкан на коцки и истрљајте го во брашното да се соедини смесата.
Додајте млеко по потреба.На крај додајте го сецканото чоколадо.
Смесата замотајте ја во најлон фолија и чувајте ја во фрижидер половина час.
Со сукало развлечете го тестото, малку подебело од 5 мм.
Со калап од 5 см вадете колачи и редете ги во тепсија за печење.
Повторете ја постапката додека имате тесто.
Печете ги колачите на 180 степени 12 до 15 минути.


200 gr flour
90 gr butter
50 gr sugar
3 - 4 tbsp cold milk
30 - 40 gr chopped chocolate 

Put the flour in a mixing bowl, add the butter cut into squares and rub it in using your fingers.
Add the milk, form a dough and add the chocolate. Wrap the dough in cling film and store it in fridge for 30 minutes.
Using a rolling pin roll the dough to be just over 5 mm thick and cut out cookies using a 5 cm wide cutter.  
Place the cookies into a baking tray and bake them on 180 C 12 - 15 minutes.

Tuesday 14 July 2015


I adore risotto, It's quick to make it, it's wholesome and great family meal. I don't make it in a classic way and I don't always add cheese but that doesn't change the taste. If I haven't got a home made stock, I just use water. Wine is no no in cooking but it's definitely big yes for drinking specially with these risottos.... 

White rice with courgettes:

Heat 3 tbsp of olive oil in a large pan, add 1 chopped onion, 2 cloves of garlic and stir well for few minutes before adding 1 cup of risotto type of rice.
Add 1 cup of warm water and keep stirring, add another cup of water, stir again and add the final cup of water and 1 chopped courgette.
I then put the lid on and after a while the rice and courgette are nice and soft.
Season with salt,pepper and fresh parsley and add 50 gr greeted Parmesan cheese, if you wish. Stir well and serve immediately. 

Brown rice with butternut squash:

Heat 3 tbsp of olive oil in a large pan, add 1 chopped onion and 2 cloves of garlic and after a while add 400 gr chopped butternut squash. Stir well and add 1 cup brown rice, long grain will do and then add 3 cup of warm water.Put the lid on and cook it for 35 - 40 minutes on a very low temperature.
Add more water if the rice is not cooked.
Season the rice with salt,pepper and fresh and chopped parsley.
Add some greeted cheese if you wish. 

White rice with roasted tomatoes:

Place 300 gr of cherry tomatoes in a roasting tin, sprinkle some crushed garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil and handful of fresh basil.
Roast the tomatoes on 190 C for 20 minutes.
In a meantime make the rice: fry 1 chopped onion with few tbsp olive oil, add some crushed garlic and after few minutes add 1 cup or rice.
Cook the rice adding 1 liter of stock or water, 1 cup at the time until the rice is just cooked.
Season with salt and pepper, add some cheese and stir in the roasted tomatoes.

Pearled spelt risotto with fresh peas:

Heat 2-3 tbsp of olive oil in a cooking pot, add chopped shallot or spring onion and after few minutes add the spelt grains, about 65 gr per person.
Pour in 3 cups of water and cook it on a medium heat stirring every now and then.
After 15 minutes add the peas and cook it for further 5 minutes. 
Season it lightly with salt if you are going to add cheese.