Eating this pudding has made me very nostalgic, the taste has transformed me straight back to my childhood.The time when our mums had to make something spectacular using a very basic ingredients. As a child I was looking forward to be asked to eat at my friend house, especially at my friend Arijeta. Her mum's cooking had a Turkish influence and I used to love her simple vegetable stews, as well as her puddings. This one is one of them, I never asked for the recipe - I just know they were made with water and sometimes there was some nuts inside. I decided to sprinkle the nuts on the top so my children can easily remove them if they wanted to!
Потребно е:
3 јаболки
1 рака суво грозје
500 мл вода
2 лажици кафеав шеќер
2 лажици нишесте
1 лажиче цимет
неколку ореви
Јаболките излупете ги, исечете ги на долгo и ставете ги да се варат во 300 мл вода.
Додајте го сувото грозје, шеќерот и ванилата.
Варете 5 минути или додека јаболките не омекнат.
Измешајте го нишестето и циметот во преостанатата вода и додајте ја смесата во јаболките.
Варете на тивко неколку минути или додека не се згусти пудингот.
Од оваа количина се добиваат 5 чаши пудинг.
Посипете со сецкани ореви.
you will need:
3 apples
1 handful of raisins
2 Tbsp brown sugar
500 ml water
2 Tbsp cornstarch
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
handful of walnuts
Peel and slice the apples and place them in a small cooking pot with 300 ml water.
Add raisins, vanilla and sugar.
Cook for 5 minutes or until the apples are soft.
Mix the cornstarch and cinnamon with the rest of the water ( needs to be cold water ) and pour it into the apples.
Cook it on medium temperature until the mixture is thick .
Pour the pudding into a five small cups and sprinkle some chopped nuts on the top.